Based on records from ancient Athens, each year young Athenian women collarborated to weave a new woolen robe that they used to dress a statue of the goddess Athena and that this robe depicted scenes of a battle between Zeus, Athena's father, and giants. 

(A) Based on records from ancient Athens, each year young Athenian women collarborated to weave a new woolen robe that they used to dress

(B) Based on records from ancient Athens, young Athenian women had collaborated to weave a new woolen robe with which to dress 

(C) According to records from ancient Athens, each year young Athenian women collaborated to weave a new woolen robe that they used to dress 

(D) Records from ancient Athens indicate that each year young Athenian women collaborated to weave a new woolen robe with which they dressed 

(E) Records from ancient Athens indicate each year young Athenian women had collaborated to weave a new woolen robe for dressing




Based on records from ancient Athens, each year young Athenian women collarborated to weave a new woolen robe that they used to dress a statue of the goddess Athena and that this robe depicted scenes of a battle between Zeus, Athena's father, and giants. 

(A) Based on records from ancient Athens, each year young Athenian women collarborated to weave a new woolen robe that they used to dress

(B) Based on records from ancient Athens, young Athenian women had collaborated to weave a new woolen robe with which to dress 

(C) According to records from ancient Athens, each year young Athenian women collaborated to weave a new woolen robe that they used to dress   (..... and that...)

(D) Records from ancient Athens indicate that each year young Athenian women collaborated to weave a new woolen robe with which they dressed 

(E) Records from ancient Athens indicate each year young Athenian women had collaborated to weave a new woolen robe for dressing



1. Based on 屬句首分詞構句,必須馬上找後方的邏輯主詞。主詞必須要能做出這個修飾語的動作。這裡邏輯主詞是 young Athenian women,語意就成為「年輕雅典女性(被)根據古代雅典記錄...」,很明顯地不合動作邏輯。刪 (A) (B)。對比 (C)(D)(E),很明顯地修正了 (A)(B) 選項 Based on 的錯誤。

2. (B) 還用了過去完成式,這裡沒有必要使用過去完成式來表達與某個動作相比更早完成的概念。往下看,連帶刪除用了相同錯誤的 (E)。

3. (C) 第一眼看完,沒有發現文法錯誤,也修正了前述二個錯誤。但這裡的平行看起來是有問題的 (塗上「綠色」記錄),暫時保留,先往下看 (D)。

4. (D) 句子的主詞動詞是 Records indicate that,這裡確認文法沒有錯誤後(檢查主動一致),就可以先忽略,往後看名詞子句內文的主要結構。young women collaborated to weave a robe... and that this robe depicted scenes.... 從這裡就發現,前半段 young women collaborated 是 records indicate that 裡面下一層的名詞子句,文法、動詞時態都沒有問題。後半段的 and that this robe depicted... 這是另一個名詞子句,看到 and 一定要馬上尋找平行對象,這裡的平行是要回到上一層看 records indicate that young women collaborated ... and (records indicate) that this robe depicted ...。這裡的 that 平行不是要來跟 (A) 中的 a new woolen robe that (they used to ...) 做平行。而且 (A) 中的 that 其實是故意用來誤導平行判斷的設計 (待會回頭看 (C) 時會談到)。

再檢查一次 (D),文法、時態、平行、語意檢查都正常。

Records from ancient Athens indicate that each year young Athenian women collaborated to weave a new woolen robe with which they dressed a statue of the goddess Athena and that this robe depicted scenes of a battle between Zeus, Athena's father, and giants.

Records indicate that young Athenina women collaborated to weave a robe...    

---> 記錄指出第一件事: 年輕雅典女性合織一條袍子

                     and that this robe depicted scenes...                                                

---> 第二件事: 這條袍子上描述了某些場景

5. 回頭看 (C),確定後方未畫線的 and that 是沒辦法跟前方的 a new woolen robe that 平行之後,就可以確定刪除了。(C) 項中畫線句內的 that 其實用法是錯誤的,對比 (D) 用了 with which 介係詞加關係代名詞的用法是比較好的作法。這裡可以想成這個句子 They dressed the statue with a robe. 要把這種有介係詞存在的句子改寫成使用關係代名詞的架構的話,就是一定要保留介係詞,再加上關係代名詞:  
--> This robe was the robe that they dress the statue. (X) 
--> This robe was the robe with which they dressed the statue. (O) 

比對完,就確定正解是 (D) 了。還有時間的話,就是再檢查一次 (D) 的句意是否合理。



1. 總結時,不只要去看錯誤項有哪些錯誤,為什麼錯誤之外,不要忘了還可以從正確句 (包含後方未畫線部分) 學到什麼樣子的寫法是 GMAT 句子的正確寫法。並且要記得把正確句整理進一份檔案內,以利未來搜尋檢討。

2. 另外還建議一併要整理出本題的考點,留待未來做考點比對時可以一併參考。


Records from ancient Athens indicate that each year young Athenian women collaborated to weave a new woolen robe with which they dressed a statue of the goddess Athena and that this robe depicted scenes of a battle between Zeus, Athena's father, and giants.

1. 主要的句子結構分層 (藍色字表示平行)

Records indicate that young Athenina women collaborated to weave a robe...    

---> 記錄指出第一件事: 年輕雅典女性合織一條袍子                     

and that this robe depicted scenes...                                                

---> 第二件事: 這條袍子上描述了某些場景

這裡的 Records indicate that... 的類似寫法還有 Scientists argue that...、Records show that...,都是用簡單現在式表達一項主張、一個發現...這類型的事實等,句子的重點都在後方名詞子句中所要闡述的論點。常見的搭配考點就是「判斷平行」。

2.  次層的第一個名詞子句: young Athenian women collaborated to weave a new woolen robe with which they dressed a statue of the goddess Athena (關係代名詞用畫線筆記、代名詞用灰色底色做筆記)

1) 這裡的句子架構就是 S1 + V1 + O1 + prep. + which + S2 + V2 + O2。通常我會再用默念的方式確認後方關係代名詞的用法是對的,如: The womemn weaved a robe wchich they dressed the statue with. 

2) 後方出現了 they 的代名詞,要往前去判斷句意上要指代誰。這裡指的是 young Athenian women

3. 次層的第二個名詞子句 (這裡有平行,用藍色字體標記): this robe depicted scenes of a battle between Zeus, Athena's father, and giants. 

這裡未畫線,就是整理 GMAT 會用的寫法、慣用 (scenes of between ... and ...) 等考點。慣用會再用粉色或綠色標記。

4. 最後,會再總結這個句子我認為出現的考點簡稱,類似像是 #、Tag 這種做標籤的概念,方便未來讀相同考點時做檢討。另外,我還會再用不同層次的灰色字體將次要的句子層級標出,只用黑色字體保留最上層句子架構,並用粗體字標出主詞、動詞。


PP    句首分詞構句; 平行; 時態; 過去完成式; 介係詞+關代; 

Records from ancient Athens indicate that each year young Athenian women collaborated to weave a new woolen robe with which they dressed a statue of the goddess Athena and that this robe depicted scenes of a battle between Zeus, Athena's father, and giants.






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